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Home Remedy For Dandruff And Hair Fall Trouble

Best 3 Home Remedy For Dandruff And Hair Fall Trouble

Are you annoyed by abrupt hair fall? Or dandruff in hair is causing irritation and do you want to get rid of the messy condition of your hair? Have you tried the branded shampoos yet been unable to get relief from the symptoms? Then why not you should try the reliable home remedy for dandruff and…

homemade face wash

Best 6 Homemade Face Wash Most Effective and Easy

Effective and Easy Homemade Face Wash Face wash is essential as we get refreshing skin. It helps in removing the dust from the face leaving a fresh, and clean face. Most women prefer the brand face wash but other love to create the homemade one. The DIY face wash is the best one as it…

Homemade Body Scrub Recipes

6 Really Effective Homemade Body Scrub Recipes

Exfoliation is important for the skin as it helps in removing the dead skin cells from your skin surface. If you keep on doing regular exfoliation that it helps in the production of collagen and prevents the clogged pores. It results in smoother, radiant, and firmer skin. Moreover, it gives an extra glow as well…

Home Remedy for Head Louse (Lice)

Home Remedy for Head Louse (Lice)

It’s no wonder why people seek a home remedy for head louse. The chemicals sold in pharmacies to treat head louse are linked to several childhood cancers and Muscular Dystrophy. No one knows the latent risks that people will suffer later in life from being exposed to these serious neurotoxins. The words louse if the…